There's me wearing my disappointed accesories/expression. I suppose I save 400€ and get a week of no school. Still... Sweden! I could have seen Swedish things!
So lately I've... been to school. That's about it. The maths teacher expects me to understand when he explains things. 'What is it that you don't understand, Holly?'
'Well, um... maths?'
Yeah. He also expects me to do the tests. Luckily none of the other teachers do, so it's a-o-k. This year doesn't count hurrah. Only two weeks of school left until the next holidays. Monday is a public holiday for Easter... but Good Friday (which was yesterday) isn't! There were easter eggs with lunch but I have not seen one single hot cross bun in France. I'm looking forward to hiding bunnies in the garden tomorrow... then eating them. As well as bunnies; the Easter bell is popular here. Yep, the easter bell.
Regard the easter bells next to the gold rabbits.
There's a lack of Cadbury here... but here's the first Cadbury product I found in France!
Luxury cookies! They were good. Also ate some Cadbury Fingers with Rachel. Sorry for making horrible jokes about fingers, Rachel! Really.
Here is a cat with two different coloured eyes. It was on an island that we went to.
Here is a car the same as Claire's Dad's. I was excited...
Here's Léa's favourite new hat. Un ananas.
There's Marie Charlotte wearing my sunnies, which the French love. Score!
Here's one of the two cats. Osiris. He's pretttty cool.
The local rope factory (now a museum) calles La Corderie Royale. When the French people in my class tried to translate the name into English, they called it The Royal String Factory. Hahaha string. Large string. The factory is really long so they could make long rope. Why not just fold it?
There are my myspace pictures. Look at them! If the link works that is. Try if not.
Tonight I'm going to a party... my first French one. They just don't have parties like us. Maybe in summer... who knows.
Lots of love from olly.