Thursday, November 6, 2008

vacances are finies!

and they were crazy/beautiful.

It started with my last ever 1690 weekend... which was pretty great. I love the people here. So many countries, languages... we all get on so well! I'll miss these people like fish.

Norway, Sweden & Finland

Me & fire extinguisher in small train in Condom

After this weekend I changed families. I'm now back in my very first one and will be staying here for the rest of my year, which is two months. I'm going to be home on the 5th of January! This is such a crazy feeling.

After spending the first few days of my holidays slightly bored and alone at home, I got networking and organised to go see a few exchange friends in Bordeaux and other small towns... Had a good weekend!

Drinking lukewarm chocolate with Rachel in Rochefort... not rotated...
When Norwegians, Brazilians and Australians play pool together...
Jess and I in Bordeaux

Me and one of Angouleme's lampposts.
So. Yeah. Bonnes vacances. See my Facebook for heaps more photos!

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