Friday, March 7, 2008

Il y a un mois!

Yep, today I have been here a month. The time has definitely flown! In Australia a month is like a year. The months here in France are more like a week. I can tell 2008 will be gone in no time.

This week I have spent a lot of time on the bus. It comes in the morning at 7.37, or 8.26 depending on what time my first class is. I say to the bus driver 'bonjour! un ticket, s'il vous plait', give him (or her) some money and a ticket comes out of the machine. Today I got a bus card, so no more tickets for me - I just show the card with my photo on it and then scan it on the scanny machine. Yeah, the bus. It's pretty cool. Actually compared to outside the bus is warm. It has been freezing here this week! It basically snowed during recess time. Well, it wasn't exactly snow, but there was frozen water falling from the sky. I was very impressed. And cold.

School is pretty cool. The people in my class are so nice! Ok, so none of them really make an effort to talk to me, but when they do, they're cool! On Tuesday some Swedish students are coming to stay for a week, which is exciting for me because they don't speak French, just Swedish and English! It'll be sweet. Maybe they will sit in physics and be baffled like me. I decided that instead of attempting to understand what the class is doing, I'm just going to read the textbook and try and figure out what a force actually is.


1-1 Notion de référentiel.
· Considérons une mouche,
assimilable à un point, qui reste "collée" au plafond d'une voiture qui avance
sur une route rectiligne horizontale à la vitesse constante V = 20 m/s.
- La
trajectoire de la mouche par rapport au solide Terre est une droite. Par rapport
à la Terre, le vecteur vitesse de la mouche est constant, sa norme a pour valeur
V = 20 m/s.
- La trajectoire de la mouche par rapport au solide voiture est
un point immobile. Par rapport au solide voiture la vitesse de la mouche est V'
= 0 m/s puisqu'elle reste "collée" au plafond.
Cet exemple montre qu'il faut
toujours préciser le référentiel par rapport auquel on étudie le mouvement d'un
Remarque : Si la mouche se met à voler dans la voiture son
mouvement par rapport au référentiel "Terre" sera très différent de son
mouvement par rapport au référentiel "voiture".

Yeah, that's physics! The maths is similar. And the chemistry. I love history though, it's funny because we have two different history teachers, one who teaches in English and one in French... sometimes they teach us the same things which is amusing. The english history teacher is hilarious because yeah. His accent. Ahahaha. The French one reminds me of Mr McCarthy because he is cool. He's everyone's favourite.

Today we had an English test. I hope I aced it... I think my story was actually really boring because I can't help using simple english lately. The other kids in the class write better stuff than the year 11s at my school. They're seriously good at English, and they do two other languages as well! I skip Spanish classes but I do German... it's a bit crazy, yeah. I can now tell the time in German. Es is halb elf.

My host sister Marie Charlotte is currently in Germany. Talked to her on the phone today. She's looking forward to seeing kangaroos and koalas at the zoo tomorrow. Ha! She loves them. She's pretty awesome.

Oh, today we went to visit the grandparents who live in a little nearby town called Fouras. It is extremely beautiful with a gorgeous beach and also a large castle. Less than 5 000 people live there but in summer the population goes up to 20 000. There are all these cute little pizza shops and bakeries and french things! Yeah!

Today we ate duck for dinner. I'm not the world's biggest fan... yet. I do find myself liking different things here. I like licorice and blue cheese now, and I prefer dark chocolate. Weird... probably won't last long.

Ok, I'm off to bed. Will post some photos in the future!

Love from holly.


Maman said...

Sacre bleu! Un mois! Je t'aime, ma petite and I'm looking forward to more photos. Does your laptop have the software for your camera and did you find, or buy a new, memory stick?
Speaking of stick-iness, it's hot and horrible again here and I can't wait for l'automne to return.
love, Mum xxx

Anonymous said...

Our english got all retarderised in Germany, it was amusing :-) Je suis une tortue - it's true.
It's ye olde holidays now, and i'm not hanging with you because you're in a different counrty :-( how inconvenient (i cna never spell that).
I saw Trish the other day, she was wearing crazy awesome stuff and a great hat - your mum is to sotally the coolest!
Miss you so much Holf! :'-(