Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Today was awesome.

Yeah, like the title says, I'm enjoying myself like a fish in lemonade. Today, as usual, I went to school and really wanted to sleep in French class. I have not read the book they keep talking about and am really not interested in the pluperfect tenses used to raconter l'histoire of the main characters.

The day got better after French class. Went to McDonalds for lunch with a few French friends and saw some teachers there, was pretty hilarious. It was like we were cathcing them doing something naughty. 'We don't usually eat like this, promise!' I managed to spend double the Australian price on a McChicken meal, because French Maccas is crazy expensive. In fact France in general is expensive.

After lunch, the most exciting thing happened... the Swedish exchange students arrived! There are about thirty of them and they're here for a week. It's pretty cool because the Swedish don't speak French, and the French don't speak Swedish, so I've spent the last few hours speaking English! Also eating delicious afternoon tea consisting of bun things with melted nutella inside... oh my god goooood. The Swedish girls were all like 'The food is so fatty! I am a step class instructor!' Yeah, one of them has her own step class at the gym. So yeah, this week instead of normal classes we're doing a bunch of excursions, like the aquarium and an island. And it's all in English!

Funny thing about France... I don't suck at sport here! In Australia I'm generally the worst in the class, but here I'm average. It's bizzare actually enjoying sport, but there you go.

In other news, my host Mum's 'liste' is through to the second round of town council elections. On Sunday I got the riveting opportunity to watch the votes being counted one by one at the polling booth, then go and celebrate in a cold room with really nice bread. It was good. There is another election this Sunday between the two teams who got the most votes. Therefore my host parents are absent at campaign meetings etc most nights, and since Marie Charlotte is in Germany, me and Léa get to cook dinner together.

About Léa: She is awesome. She buys me things, like lollies, postcards and a scarf. And a Kinder Surprise. I've never met a more thoughtful almost 12 year old. The scarf is so cool that I will post a photo. One day.



Maman said...

Hey Holly, that's awesome that you have an influx of Swedes, and I've been waiting in curiosity for the election results, so yeah.

Maybe you and Lea can cook risotto.

lots of love, Maman xxxx

Unknown said...

Hey chick
A couple of things - Swedish Boys;!!!! Ask Jessie about that one! Also Snails - whatssup with that? Have you had them yet or is it similar to Aus with kangaroos jumping up and down the main street? One more thing....WHERE ARE THE PHOTOS?!?!?!?!
Thats all.
For Now Anyway....

Ant said...

Hi Holly - just a quick hello before sunrise here. France sounds like a laugh a minute - do they mean to be so funny?
On the countdown before Moth's arrival now. Should be fun. Have given your blog address to David so I hope you hear from him.
What do you do on weekends apart from help with elections? Must dash - got my personal trainer arriving soon for a gym session.
Chat soon