Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Does not feel like Christmas! But it'll be fun anyway. Big meal with extended family tonight, and the exchange of presents. I've already got a few presents - a watch from the Rotary and gorgeous bracelets from a host family. Also a pretty journal and some vietnamese crystallised ginger.

School is finished! Got to experience a real French strike, the school kids got angry about new reforms and decided to block the school for three days which was nice for a few days off as well as getting to yell some fun political chants and having people give me the 'dirty communist' look. This just doesn't happen at my school in Australia! We also had lots of going away cakes. The best ones were the German ones... I want to go to a German Christmas market. Will have to save that for another year. I'll also ski, since I haven't had the chance to even see European snow yet, except the time it almost snowed.

Eleven sleeps left... kinda terrifying.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Got "permission". Bought flights. Gave the school a note. Packed. Said my goodbyes.
Car, train, walk, bus, plane, train, train, walk... and there I was at Dominique and Andrew's house in Fulham, London. It was so easy, and I was so excited. I drank a cappucino with real milk in it. Met Oliver, Ben and Nanny Iris. Lovely people. Andrew and I watched Four Weddings and a Funeral after eating steak sandwiches... it was such a nice change, I was rather ecstatic with the beginning of my voyage to London. Everything was British and novel.

Day two saw a trip to a park with the boys, where bikes were ridden, deer seen and ice cream eaten. That night I went into town with Dominique on a red bus, saw christmas lights and Piccadilly Circus, enjoyed a nice glass of wine and did a bit of shopping. I was shocked to see that it gets dark at 4.30 up there! Still, I suppose it gives you more night time to see the Christmas lights.

Sunday we enjoyed a roast with yorkshire pudding in a pub. I spent my week exploring London. Went to the Natural History Museum with Ben and Dom to see the dinosaurs, and also saw some exhibitions about things like volcanoes. I took myself to the Tate Modern, St Paul's, Buckingham Palace... touristy things like that. I probably didn't take enough photos, but I'm always too lazy to take photos of things I know a million other tourists have already captured from exactly the same mediocre angle.

Thursday I saw Claire, the cousin of the Faures where I was staying before. That was sympa, we went to the Camden markets where I bought some sunglasses that don't actually protect from the sun, but look pretty cool in photos. We ate lunch in a Japanese restaurant and later strawberries on sticks dipped in chocolate. Yeah hardcore.

For my last day we took a ride on the Thames, then rode the London Eye. The weather was a tiny bit FREEZING but lovely and clear, we had fantastic views. We then ate pizza and all was well.

My stay in London made me want to go back there. I didn't even do all the touristy things, kind of passed Trafalgar Square by, but still found the city great. En plus I was with fabulous people, nicest hosts ever. Was such a change from the life I have here in France, and in Australia of course. London is pretty awesome, and I will be going back.

Here are just a few photos, there are many more on Facebook!!

T-minus 5 weeks

The beginning of the end is getting a bit scary!
Before I was really sad to be going home, but now I'm almost looking forward to it. Just to seeing all my friends and family and having summer and Australian things... it'll probably be kinda novel. Still, there are so many things I'm going to miss about this exchange...

So, since my last blog, I've been to school and to London, I'll write a blog about that as soon as I've finished this. School is good. I should probably work a bit more, but it's hard to be motivated when you know it doesn't count. Also, only doing half the tests occasionally lets me get good averages... I somehow am equal top in my literature class, after having done a couple of little things about Romeo and Juliet, and not doing the holiday homework. Oh la la.

I've also planned a party and had to cancel it, and now will be having a tiny going away party just with cool people who live in the 17. Wish I could invite everyone but with the house and all... not very possible.

It's almost Christmas! There are two stockings hanging from the mantelpiece for my host sisters... Mum, I expect you to hang one chez nous and fill it with my favourite hairspray (I can't even remember what brand it is) or something like that.

So, mixed feelings. Excitement for the end of school, for seeing all the Rotary kids again, for Christmas and New Year. Sadness to be leaving all this. Apprehension about going back to Australia. Stress about insurance forms. Annoyance about the cold that's not quite gone. Bit scared about year 12... But can't wait to see the Australians again. I do love life, after all. And this year has been unforgettable.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

vacances are finies!

and they were crazy/beautiful.

It started with my last ever 1690 weekend... which was pretty great. I love the people here. So many countries, languages... we all get on so well! I'll miss these people like fish.

Norway, Sweden & Finland

Me & fire extinguisher in small train in Condom

After this weekend I changed families. I'm now back in my very first one and will be staying here for the rest of my year, which is two months. I'm going to be home on the 5th of January! This is such a crazy feeling.

After spending the first few days of my holidays slightly bored and alone at home, I got networking and organised to go see a few exchange friends in Bordeaux and other small towns... Had a good weekend!

Drinking lukewarm chocolate with Rachel in Rochefort... not rotated...
When Norwegians, Brazilians and Australians play pool together...
Jess and I in Bordeaux

Me and one of Angouleme's lampposts.
So. Yeah. Bonnes vacances. See my Facebook for heaps more photos!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I'm watching Aussie songs on Youtube... Khe Sahn! Run to Paradise! Reminds me of deb balls.

France is going really well. Not too much has been happening, just good old school. I got the german teacher to teach us 99 Red Balloons, which is exciting. Only 6 days left until holidays! There's another Rotary weekend and I'll hopefully be seeing les chateaux de la Loire. Lots of pretty castles!

I love pasta. Went to the pasta shop the other day. The lady got chatting and I found out she was an ex Rotary exchange student. It's always exciting to meet people who've been on exchange. This was one of those ladies who knows the whole town... she knew that my little host brother had bought carbonara pasta three times in the last week.

I should go to sleep now. School tomorrow... yawn. I may possibly fall asleep in philosphy again. Actually it's really interesting at the moment, we just started language. Since I want to do linguistics this is good.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


As you can see, I'm super cool. These super attractive glasses got broken at Morgane's party...
Exchangies are cool.
Check out the brilliant Aussies of 1690 and our fabulous blazers...

Today we had a fire evacuation drill in the rain.


School has taken up its rhythm... sigh. I do like it but getting 14/20 in English is somewhat discouraging when it's my native language. Philosophy is getting harder and harder to understand. 'Je vois des chapeaux et des manteaux...' Thanks, Descartes and Merleau Ponty.

Yes, I'm aware that my blog writing is turning into some kind of strange abstract thing. I blame school.

The other weekend we had our first Rotary meeting with all the exchangies from this district. The newbies are seriously cool, I love them all already and am kind of cut to be leaving in less than three months. Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in Australia and eating Mee Goreng noodles but there's so much here that I'll be leaving behind! Never realised it was going to be quite like this.

However, I'm going to make the most of the rest of my time here.