Tuesday, April 8, 2008


G’day chums.

Today I went to BORDEAUX with my host family! It was pretty awesome – quite the shopping trip. All I bought was a tshirt and some sunnies to replace the ones I lost last weekend (sniff!), but the car boot was overflowing with shoes, jeans, leather jackets, candle holders, wall hangings, etc. Unfortunately they bought no chocolate... some people don’t have the same sweet tooth that I do. They also didn’t buy any wine. Just wait til I’m 18 (two months!), I’ll be buying those seven hundred euro bottles by the dozen.

Bordeaux is a beautiful city. My family were arguing over whether it’s more beautiful than Paris... they didn’t come to a conclusion. I’ll see for myself next week when I go to Paris! Anyway,Belle Bordeaux. None of the streets seem to be parallel and the buildings are tall and straight with gorgeous facades and balconies. It was more shopping than sightseeing so I’ll have to go back with someone who wants to take a million photos and visit the galleries. Any volunteers?

Yesterday I didn’t go anywhere, except for a short run from the Royal String Factory to the horribly ugly Transporter Bridge that is featured on at least ten different ugly postcards of Rochefort, my town. What a lovely landmark. Look ‘Transporter Bridge’ up on Wikipedia and you will see why I think the postcards shouldn’t exist.

Anyway. Yesterday, as they often do, my host family entertained guests. These ones had children, two little girls who are cousins of my host sisters. Emma is 4 and would prefer that we referred to her as a boy, not a girl. Johanna is 6 and made sure I knew that Emma wasn’t a boy but actually a girl. We spent a long time playing with bouncy balls until I decided it would be a good idea to play hide and seek (I knew the French word for it!). The cute little girls decided they loved me and both wanted to hide only with me. We hid in a crafty group of three. We played hide and seek for a looongggg time. Their parents spent hours over lunch, hours. We watched a movie. Surf’s up. Cody didn’t win the big surf contest. I was totally disappointed. Johanna informed me that the point of the movie wasn’t winning, but that the little penguin was happy. She is wise. When we cleaned out Marie Charlotte’s rabbit cage. Johanna told me I had a Spanish accent. I took it as a compliment. She hadn’t heard of Australia, so I gave her and Emma a small koala each. Now they know Australia exists – score! I informed French children of the existence of my country. Australia is great, go there. I’ve invited a lot of people to stay at my place...

In other news, I’ve now eaten a Nutella, Apple and Banana pizza. It was even better than it sounds.

Love from Holly.


Maman said...

That pizza would have to be better than it sounds! Congrats on the Spanish accent. xxxx

jesuilegaur said...


im so sorry i havent contacted you since..........well an embarrsingly long time. everytime i type your blog adress it 'fails to load' so i thought youd been deleted - only today i realise it was blocked. now i have found you :)

hmm comments are odd because i was about to ask how are you but then i realised you sound quite supoib judging by your blog and also comments arent really dialogue like an email...hmmmm..quite a conundrum...

i am missing you quite schockingly, perhaps because i dont have the comfort of being 'just up the hume' but more so 'just up the indian, over a few insignificant land masses, the mediterranean and wow i can pretty much yell to you from here'.

ooh thats such a shame about not being able to go to sweden! you would love sweden - quite as quirky as its people and they all speak better english than us! whereabouts where the exchange students from in sweden?

if you need someone to accompany you to bordeaux on a sightseeing adventure i would most certainly offer my services :)

oh by the way haha i found out(from a friend of mine just back from a year in france, in similar place to you i believe..)that the ol' 'sterotypically french' phrase we used to use at players, my sign in name incidentally, je sui le gaur (almost certainly spelt incorrectly) means! i reccomend you use it, haha quite amusing.

anyhoo id best be off, so au revoir and je sui le gaur!

nick :)

Hilfish said...

Oh Ho-Jo.
Can't believe you weren't up there on stage at the Talent Quest, but we did DEDICATE OUR SONG TO YOU!!! There was so much cheering when we mentioned your name!!!
I don't even have nutella!!
I love love love you!