Monday, April 28, 2008

Today is Monday

I don't have conjunctivitis today! This is important because I did have it on Saturday. Walked around with a half closed eye then woke up the next day and it was glued to itself. Yes, lovely details. I seriously thought I was going to die! Luckily I haven't yet. A French lady told me it was most likely the wind that caused it. I nodded in agreement. The same lady also told me over a Rotary lunch that you shouldn't eat onions because they make you fat. I made a point of eating the onions.

The Rotary lunch was in the pretty town of Biarritz in the south of France at the district 1690 conference. Even if we did have to leave at 4.45 am to drive there, it was really good catching up with the other exchange students and enjoying the HOT day. It was seriously HOT! And I saw Spain. Didn't go there, but saw the Pyrenees in the distance which is totally part of Spain. I'm hoping to go there sometime.

Today I am angry at the physics teacher.


Hilfish said...

Onions? Hardly the spice of life, but not eating food you love just because it's fatty is SILLY.
Well, unless you're dying of it.

jesuilegaur said...

jolly hay,

phuh what would the french know about how not to be overweight!!

i was would one get in contact you outside the somewhat one-sided confines of the blogosphere? i feel i need a little holly chat to feel the void. oh and what is your current home address!!?

hope your having a tots fetch time!

(thought id update you on the latest additions to the Australian vernacular)

jesuilegaur said...

whoaaa man....

im having a psychedelic trip ovrwehlemd by the amount of fluro colour in your International text book..

peace out dude,

Maman said...

Holly, I'm dying to read your Paris blog, even thoguh you told me so much about it on le telephone!