Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My class, 1s1.

Less than two weeks left until summer holidays! Eurotrip! Camping! Boat voyages! Parties!

So, lately. What has Holly been up to?

Yesterday after school I took the bus home with Cecile and her friend Alice. We bought some cookies then went to the Rock School where Cecile and Alice sing, and I watch. Then we returned home and Mr Henry from the Rotary came to visit with a large bag full of clothes he thought I might like. The purple singlet is okay... the red, yellow and brown frilly full length skirt isn't quite my style, nor is the beaded top. After eating dinner we headed to a play, La Mouette (The Seagull) by Tchekov. I found two and a half hours a bit hard to sit through... I don't speak French. Not Russian style.

Last weekend I took the Transporter Bridge. On rollerblades. Look it up on Wikipedia, it's thrilling. Also went to a party which wasn't fantastic but there was lots of cake and a guy who danced an awesome version of the Tecktonic.

I got 12/20 on a physics test! I was impressed with myself. It was a test that simply required memorising, but still... not the worst mark in the class for once.

That's all for now. Bisous!

1 comment:

jesuilegaur said...

Hojo ma gogo aka. holf aka.holy j aka. holly jones.

my if i didnt no you were Australian you could almost be French judging by that photo! although the 'mateship' and 'anzac spirit' which is so "quintessentially australian" is somewhat of a giveaway.

paris sounded fetch, did you get tempted to play one of those "which cup is the ball under" games by the highly dodgy looking morrocans occupying many street corners around montmartre? i know i almost did, but was rudely interrputed when a police siren sounded and he threw the contents of the table into a nearby garden and vaulted a cemetery fence and continued down a steep alley....

im hoping you didnt go on the da vinci code tour i.e the parisian version of the 'neighbours' tour of melbourne. but of course your to classy for such a thing (or you secretly are a closet dan brown fan...)

hmmm anyway not quite sure what the purpose of this long and convuluted comment really was other than EMAIL ME and inculde your address because ive already stocked up on tim tams but i need somewhere to send them before im tempted to open them....

much love and plenty of et cetera,