Sunday, June 15, 2008

Chronic lack of internet!

Hi everybody! I just got back from the Eurotour last night and am on the internet for the first time in two weeks. I'm gonna struggle to reply to everyone's emails and comments on Facebook etc because tomorrow I go away for another week to Bretange with Alain from my Rotary club. So I'm not going to try and write a Europe trip blog today cos It'll take a while... you guys can wait a week or two. Suffice to say that it was pretty fantastic...

Right now I'm chewing on a mintie sent to me by my fantastic family... I missed these delicious lollies. Seriously, they're good. Then you rip ûp the wrappers to make them loooong.

Will put up a real blog soon.

1 comment:

Maman said...

Glad you're enjoying the minties. Hope Bretagne is just as tasty.
Love you, Maman xxxxxxx