Friday, September 19, 2008

Regular week.

The cleaning lady came into my room. I can tell because EVERY SINGLE OBJECT IS PERFECTLY NEATLY ARRANGED IN ANALLY STRAIGHT LINES. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate having a clean room, but she really didn't need to arrange the three bobby pins that I left on my bedroom table perpendicularly. The stack of magazines is now nice and straight. My souvenir can of Foster's is aligned with the purple cup. My camera charger's cable is neatly rolled. My glasses and sunglasses are next to each other, facing the same way.

I assume she has too much time on her hands.

This morning I had toast for breakfast.

I have a lot of homework and feel like I should actually do it but really would prefer to stay in bed all day. The teachers consider me like a normal student - the philosophy teacher even asked me to read some of Freud's writing out loud. I shook my head.
'Why don't you want to read, Holly?'
Obvious answer! ACCENT. But I just said 'because' and he was satisfied. Marion read, and she reads well.
Now we have an essay to write. Apparently I have to find a paradox in one of the questions 'Does one choose one's friends?' or 'Is there an object of desire?'
Both of these questions seem a bit... hmm.

I had a good couple of weeks hanging out with the Finnish girls, Emma and Katariina. They're leaving this weekend!

Insurance is not an appealing thing to occupy myself with. I really should go and see the blood test people. Ninety euros just to find out that I'm O+. I can take anyone's blood but only other O plussers can take mine. I feel a bit selfish really! Does one choose one's blood group? The answer is no.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Changement de famille

Well, here I am in my 4th family in seven months. The Penavyres.
The two parents are really nice. It's their second marriage so it's a kind of Brady Bunch... he has two sons and a daughter, she has two daughters.
The house is HUGE and so is my room. I've taken over the room of one of the sons who I've never met. He's twenty and collects lighters. There are HUNDREDS in the bedroom. I must post a photo. The other son is Edouard, who is turning eleven on Friday. He likes cats and rugby and Renan Luce... we spent a couple of hours together this afternoon. I'm less scared of little boys now. He tried to impress me by jumping down seven stairs at a time.
Two of the girls are called Charlotte, and one of them is at home now. She's 20, really nice, cool bedroom. The other girl is in some other country - she seems to spend her life overseas. She even lived in Australia.

Today I thought I'd lost my phone for a few hours. Turns out it was just hidden in one of my school folders, and kept hiding until I got my literature homework out. I think they're actually expecting me to do homework this year... damn. I already summarised each scene of Romeo and Juliet in year 10! Why should I do it again now?

It's really cool having other exchange students here, even if they're not staying very long. I made friends with some Finnish girls, Emma and Katariina. Trop cool. There are also two Germans who both seem to be rather shy. But still! I'm not the only foreign person!

There was a really weird man on the bus the other day, yelling at the kids up the back about the dangers of alcohol. It didn't look like he took his own advice.

Languages are cool.

Friday, September 5, 2008

School's in

The new school year has officially started. Yay! I wasn't looking forward to it, and the first day wasn't promising, but today was actually really good. My class consists of about 26 girls I don't know, three boys I don't know, and Marion. Marion and I both changed from the science to the literary stream so we're clinging to each other in this ocean of novelty. Neither of us are missing physics and we're both loving philosophy. It's seriously interesting. Maths seems relatively possible, and the history program looks good. We had a history test to divide the class into three groups... don't think I'll be in the best group. The teacher thought I was ridiculous for guessing that JFK's middle name was Francis. It's Fitzgerald, for future reference. And IDH stands for indice de developpment humain.