Sunday, November 30, 2008

T-minus 5 weeks

The beginning of the end is getting a bit scary!
Before I was really sad to be going home, but now I'm almost looking forward to it. Just to seeing all my friends and family and having summer and Australian things... it'll probably be kinda novel. Still, there are so many things I'm going to miss about this exchange...

So, since my last blog, I've been to school and to London, I'll write a blog about that as soon as I've finished this. School is good. I should probably work a bit more, but it's hard to be motivated when you know it doesn't count. Also, only doing half the tests occasionally lets me get good averages... I somehow am equal top in my literature class, after having done a couple of little things about Romeo and Juliet, and not doing the holiday homework. Oh la la.

I've also planned a party and had to cancel it, and now will be having a tiny going away party just with cool people who live in the 17. Wish I could invite everyone but with the house and all... not very possible.

It's almost Christmas! There are two stockings hanging from the mantelpiece for my host sisters... Mum, I expect you to hang one chez nous and fill it with my favourite hairspray (I can't even remember what brand it is) or something like that.

So, mixed feelings. Excitement for the end of school, for seeing all the Rotary kids again, for Christmas and New Year. Sadness to be leaving all this. Apprehension about going back to Australia. Stress about insurance forms. Annoyance about the cold that's not quite gone. Bit scared about year 12... But can't wait to see the Australians again. I do love life, after all. And this year has been unforgettable.

1 comment:

Maman said...

Hairspray? What is that? Hmmm. And a stocking - I was going to let Christmas pass like drizzle!