Monday, April 21, 2008


G’day everyone!
You should have seen the super blog I wrote yesterday. It was really good until I put it on a USB stick which then decided to break, leaving me blogless and devastated. We’re totally going back to the place where I bought the offending USB stick and demanding a refund. Or asking politely. It’ll be fun.

Me looking at a building in Bordeaux

So, the last two weeks! Summing it up, I had a really good school holidays. I last left off at the day in Bordeaux. Well, after that I did various things such as staying at the grandparents’ large house with a spiral staircase and circular windows with a sea view. I also went to horse riding, where I actually rode a horse. Not just any horse, a French horse.
Marie Charlotte and cake
I spend lots of time getting mud on my red converses

So there I was taking a selfie and suddenly, there was a horse in the photo

Marie Charlotte had some friends to stay and we made beautiful crepes, and I also had a good night out in La Rochelle with my fave French girls, Marie Charlotte, Gaby, Morgane and Solene, and we were joined for a while by an Aussie mate Aysha.

Gaby, Solene, Marie Charlotte, Morgane

Soso and Momo

And then he accidentally spilt a glass of beer on her jeans

Me and Aysha discussing French grandparents who store the bread in the rifle cupboard

Good times were had. After staying at Gaby’s house we gave Solene a super makeover.

Solene during haircut/makeover

Half an hour later

Last Wednesday I moved to my second host family, the Faures. The parents are really really nice and so are the four girls. They travel heaps. Emilie who is 5 just got back from a trip to the north of France. Marie who is 14 is currently in Amsterdam. Helene, 11, is going to England next month. The parents leave for Turkey in a couple of weeks. Cecile, 17, is going to Mexico for a year. There’s also a family summer holiday planned. So yeah, I’ve landed in a good family. Cecile and I are going to Paris for five days, I’m pretty excited about that.

Yesterday we got back from a weekend in Poitiers where we spent a day at a theme park called Futuroscope... my favourite attraction was Danse avec les Robots. You got to go upside down and all spinny around in a giant moving arm thingy to loud Bee Gees music. The other highlight of Futuroscope was making the park guide man laugh in the middle of his important safety announcement by walking around like crabs.

Hélène and I with super cool 3D glasses

Exciting night time spectacular

The rest of the weekend was spent eating... I seriously gained three kilos this holidays. Nutella! Cake! Bread! More nutella! Tart! Pie! Ice cream! Creamy pasta! The food doesn’t stop. We did go and see a really cool castle in Chauvigny where my host family used to live. And a glass blower... he makes small glass pigs and cats in less than a minute! I also saw an Iguana’s tail dangling from the upstairs window of a Medieval creperie.

Holly, castle, town, distant black birdInterior of unconventional church

School started again today, hurrah! It was nice seeing all the people again, but it was less nice having one hour of maths, two hours of physics, two hours of biology (that was good) and then from 4-6, a maths test. I decided not to hand my pitiful excuse for a test in... I’ve kind of given up on maths lately. I’m looking forward to getting my history test back though. History in English, that is. Although we have the most boring teacher in the world, it’s a good subject. Well, it’s nice being able to understand. My French in general is getting better. Today I copied down a whole definition in biology. However, my speaking is still very lacking. I am probable speak like zis and making the peoples mock of mine accent who is not a good accent as of I am not being able to make the R like a France. That’s how I assume my French sounds to native speakers. They seriously do mock my accent.
‘Hey Olly, say Rhododendron!’
‘Ahahahahhahahhahahahahha. Now say...’
Yeah. I’m learning to get over it. I assume eventually I’ll learn to speak like a pro. For now I’m dealing with the language thing.

France in general is going awesomely. I like it best when I’m travelling around and not sitting in physics class, but for the most part, I’m all settled in and having a good time. I’m loving my new family and counting down for the Eurotrip (42 sleeps!). I’m also going to hopefully take up badminton and have bass lessons, so life will be nice and busy and I won’t have time to write fantastic amazing blogs like this one.

Well, love to everyone. I’ll write again soon, promise!

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Hi Holly

Just so wonderful to read of your experiences - shall be sure to check in again (you write very well). However mundane the everyday may seem to you, be reasurred that emersing oneselfin such an extraordinary culture is exciting to me - even the physics! Wish I was there!

Best wishes
